Print and Save Document into Database Error Codes


In case of print and save document to database fails, the Printer Driver will display an error code and error message containing information related to the error. Please find the possible error codes below:


Error Code

Error Message



The username cannot be empty!

The entered username is empty.


The password cannot be empty!

The entered password is empty.


Please select an ODBC Data Source to upload the documents!

No ODBC data source was selected.


Please select a Table to upload the documents!

No Table was selected.


Please select a Column in the specified table to upload the documents!

No Column was selected to upload the documents.


Please select a Column for the Document ID!

No Column was selected to upload the document IDs.


The Document ID format cannot be empty!

The entered Document ID format is empty.


Invalid Document ID format! The Document ID only can contain letters, digits and the following characters: _ - { }

The entered Document ID format contains invalid character(s).


The Document Column, and the ID Column cannot be the same!

The selected Document Column and ID Column is the same.


Error saving the Upload to Database settings to the registry. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurred while saving the Upload to Database settings into the registry. This can occur if you have no read/write access to the registry key.


Error while uploading the document to the database. Error: [Error Details]

This error code covers non-ODBC related error during uploading. For example, if the document is corrupted, incorrectly received, cannot be found, or if the printer is not working correctly.


The upload data is not compatible with the configured database. Please make sure that the Document Field in the database accepts binary data (VARBINARY/BLOB).

This error occurs, if you trying to update the entire document (Document Binary), although the selected database column expects different type. Please make sure that the database column you selected is able to receive BINARY format, or contact your network administrator.


The upload data is not compatible with the configured database. Please make sure that the Document ID Field in the database accepts plain text (VARCHAR).

This error occurs, if you trying to update the Document Path, although the selected database column expects different type. Please make sure that the database column you selected is able to receive text format, or contact your network administrator.


ODBC error occurred while uploading the document to the database. Error: [Error Details]

This error covers all ODBC related errors during uploading. For example, if the database cannot be accessed, or cannot be found.


Error while uploading the document to the database. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurred while uploading a single page or document. Error Details contains specific information related to the error.


Error while uploading the document to the database. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurred while uploading a document. This can occur if there was a problem getting the document information received from the Printer Driver. This error message will not be displayed, only written into the log file.


Error while uploading the document to the database. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurred while uploading a document. This can occur if there was a problem getting the document information received from the Printer Driver.


Error while reading/opening document to upload. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurred while uploading a document. This can occur if the Upload To Database utility was unable to read the GRP file that is received from the Printer Driver.


The Upload To Database utility cannot be started manually.

This error occurs if one tries to start the Upload to Database utility manually without any parameters. The Upload to Database utility requires at least one parameter (Printer Name) to start.


Error while trying to connect to the ODBC Data Source. Error: [Error Details]

This error occurs if the Upload to Database utility could not connect to the ODBC data source, using the provided data source and login information. For example, if the provided password or username is incorrect, or if the data source is not available due to any reason. The [Error Details] provides details about the error.


Error while trying to read the tables from the ODBC Data Source. Error: [Error Details]

This error occurs if the Upload to Database utility could not read the tables from the ODBC data source, using the provided data source and login information. The [Error Details] provides details about the error.


Error while trying to read the columns from the ODBC Table. Error: [Error Details]

This error occurs if the Upload to Database utility could not read the columns from the selected table in the ODBC data source, using the provided data source and login information. The [Error Details] provides details about the error.


Error while trying to read the ODBC Data Sources. Error: [Error Details]

An error occurs while reading the available ODBC data sources from the computer. The [Error Details] provides details about the error.


Error 23: Error while trying to load the Printer Driver configuration INI file. Error: [Error Details]

The Upload to Database utility was unable to find, or read the Printer Driver configuration INI file.


No ODBC Data Source found on the computer. In order to upload documents to a database, you must configure at least one ODBC Data Source.

This is a warning message, notifying the user that no ODBC Data Source has been configured on the system.


Error 25: Error writing Document Index into the registry. Error: [Error Details]

The Upload to Database utility could not write the Document ID/Index into the registry. This can occur if the current user has limited access to the CURRENT USER registry node, or if the Printer Driver is not functioning correctly.


The log file cannot be empty!

This error occurs if the provided log file name is an empty string.


Error 27: Invalid Log file! Please enter or browse a valid log file location, and make sure that you have permission to access the file.

This error occurs if the provided log file path is invalid. The log file name and path must be valid. The user must have permission to access, read and write into the log file.


Error 28: You must specify the password, if the Silent Mode is enabled!

This error occurs if no password has been provided, although the Silent Mode is turned on. This combination is not allowed. In this case, Silent Mode must be turned off, or a password must be provided.


Error 29: The configured ODBC Data Source settings are incorrect! Please make sure that the ODBC settings in the Upload To Database feature are correct.

This error occurs, if the ODBC settings are incorrect or missing during the upload process.


Please select a Column for the OCR data!

This error occurs, if no column was selected for the OCR data in the user interface, while Upload OCR is enabled.


The OCR data column cannot be the same as Document Column, or ID Column!

This error occurs, if the selected OCR data column and Document column or ID column is the same, while Upload OCR is enabled.