Black Ice Software -
February 08, 2011
Re-written Email Module for OEM drivers
128 bit encryption for PDF and more...
New! Email Sending Module for OEM drivers
The OEM Printer Drivers version
13.06 will include a
programmatically fully controllable email module.
The new Email Sender utility supports SSL encryption, custom SMTP server
settings and includes a test email option. Also predefined
recipients can be specified to send emails without user interaction.
As usual the Email Sender module can be configured through the
user interface, the INI file, or the BlackIceDEVMODE functions:
Configuring the
Email Sender Utility using the INI file
The Black Ice printer drivers can be configured to use a developer defined group of settings at installation time by using the INI file associated with the driver. Settings specified will be used to configure the Black Ice printer driver as the default settings for any user on the system. When a user clicks the restore defaults button on the Printing Preferences of the driver, the Printer Driver reverts back to the INI file settings. The INI file for each Black Ice printer driver is located in each install sample found in the \Install folder of the RTK installation.
The Email Sender utility settings can be found under the
Email in the INI file.
[Email Settings] |
Sender Client=<number> |
"0" use default mail client, "1" use SMTP
client |
SMTP Server=<string> |
SMTP server name (max length: 127 characters |
SMTP Port=<number> |
SMTP server port (max length: 3 characters) |
SMTP UserName=<string> |
SMTP user name (with domain) (max length: 31 characters) |
SMTP Password=<string> |
SMTP password (max length: 31 characters) |
SMTP Enable SSL=<string> |
"Yes" - Enable SSL, "No" default |
Email Send Silently=<string> |
"Yes" - Enable sending email silently, "No" default |
Email Sender=<string> |
Sender name (max length: 63 characters) |
Email To=<string> |
To address(es) (max length: 127 characters) |
Email Cc=<string> |
Cc addresses (max length: 127 characters) |
Email Bcc=<string> |
Bcc addresses (max length: 127 characters) |
Email Subject=<string> |
Email subject (max length: 63 characters) |
Email Body=<string> |
Email body (max length: 515 characters) |
Logging Enabled=<string> |
"Yes" - Enable logging, "No" default |
Logging Directory=<string> |
Log directory (use full absolute path) |
Configuring the
Email Sender Utility using the BlackIceDEVMODE DLL and OCX
The DEVMODE data structure contains information about the initialization and environment of a printer device. The BlackIceDEVMODE DLL and OCX are designed for developers to retrieve or modify the settings of the Black Ice printer using C, C++, C#, VB.NET or Delphi programming languages. Both the DLL and the OCX are contained in the Resource Toolkit.
The Email Sender Utility settings can be retrieved or changed programmatically during and after the installation using the following functions:
IsSendInEmailEnabled |
SetSendInEmail |
GetEmailClientType |
SetEmailClientType |
GetSMTPServerName |
SetSMTPServerName |
GetSMTPServerPort |
SetSMTPServerPort |
GetSMTPServerUser |
SetSMTPServerUser |
GetSMTPServerPwd |
SetSMTPServerPwd |
IsSMTPServerSSLEnabled |
SetSMTPServerSSL |
IsEmailSilentSendingEnabled |
SetEmailSilentSending |
GetEmailSenderName |
SetEmailSenderName |
GetEmailTo |
SetEmailTo |
GetEmailCc |
SetEmailCc |
GetEmailBcc |
SetEmailBcc |
GetEmailSubject |
SetEmailSubject |
GetEmailBody |
SetEmailBody |
IsEmailLoggingEnabled |
SetEmailLogging |
GetEmailLogDir |
SetEmailLogDir |
Distribution of
Email Sender Utility
The Resource Toolkit contains an Install Shield and other install samples to demonstrate how to build a new Printer Driver installation.
When distributing the Black Ice
Printer Driver with the Email Sender utility, the PDEmailSender.exe should be added to the install project. The printer driver INI file needs to contain the full path in the
Email Sender utility value.
How to disable Email
Sender controls of the printing preferences
The Printing Preferences dialog shows the
Email Settings control by default. These UI elements can be disabled so that the users cannot change or enable these settings on the User Interface. To disable or hide these UI elements, the resource dll needs to be modified.
Improved PDF security: 128 bit encryption
Security settings are important for protecting the PDF document’s sensitive information. If
the PDF files are encrypted and secured, you can choose what others can and can't do with your PDF documents.
Document viewing, printing, editing, and copying can all individually be turned on or off.
This will offer a great deal of control in protecting sensitive information.
Version 13.06 release of the Black Ice PDF and
the ColorPlus Printer Drivers' PDF Security features will allow:
- NEW!: Secure PDF documents using 40-bit
or 128-bit RC4 encryption.
- Restrict unauthorized users from viewing, printing, editing, and copying content from your PDF files.
- Password-protect PDF files, requiring users to enter a password to open or edit the file.
PDF Security settings can be configured under the
Security tab of the PDF Settings dialog.
AdvancedPaper List
Black Ice Printer Drivers support a wide variety of paper sizes. The page sizes
range from envelopes to large E size pages. There are 86 standard paper sizes,
as well as a Black Ice Software specific FAX paper size.
Edit Paper list option enables customization of the paper size
list used by the
Black Ice Printer Driver. The user can add new paper sizes and modify the availability of existing or custom paper sizes.
Printing Tips for
How to change the registry path of the printer driver variables in the MSI install?
When installing the Black Ice printer drivers (using MSI install) the installer should save some information into the registry (e.g. driver name, printer name, port monitor name etc.). The install and uninstall dll needs these
pieces of information to install/uninstall the printer driver. In case of a 64-bit printer driver basically these values are saved at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Black Ice Software LLC\[printername]\ PrinterVariablesValues.
However, the registry path can be changed if necessary (for example
when using a custom company name or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER).
To change the registry path, modifications are needed to be done at
three different places:
- in the MSI install,
- in the install dll and
- in the uninstall dll.
MSI Install
The registry path should be changed in the MSI project. The registry path can be changed in the registry editor:

Install dll
The registry path should be changed in the InitializeMSIVariable function of the install dll.
UnInstall dll
The registry path should be changed in the StartUninstallMSI function of the install dll.
How to change the path and name of the email sender and SharePoint Uploader
with a custom driver installation?
The Black Ice printer drivers contain two utilities: SharePoint Uploader and
the Email Sender. The SharePoint Uploader can be used to upload the printed documents automatically into a SharePoint repository. The Email Sender can be used to send the printed documents in
an email.
If the printer driver doesn’t use these functionalities the installer doesn’t need to install these utilities.
But if the driver uses the utilities the installer has to save the full path and name of the utilities into the printer driver’s INI file
in the following way:
[Post Print Options]
SharePoint utility=C:\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\ColorPlus Printer Driver TS\SharePoint Utility\PDSharePointUploader.exe
Email sending program 32bit=C:\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\ColorPlus Printer Driver TS\Email Sending Utility\32bit\PDEmailSender.exe
Email sending program 64bit=C:\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\ColorPlus Printer Driver TS\Email Sending Utility\64bit\PDEmailSender.exe
The path and the filename of the utilities can be changed. The printer driver starts the utilities specified in the INI file.
Note: The email sender has a 32 and 64 bit version. The printer driver launches the 32-bit version if a 32-bit MAPI email client is installed on the target machine. The printer driver launches the 64-bit version if a 64-bit MAPI email client is installed on the target machine (for example the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Outlook).