Black Ice Software -
April 21, 2016
Tiff Viewer version 11.46 is released!
Preconfigure the Browser Plug-In during the installation for all users on the computer!
Black Ice Software has released version 11.46 of the Tiff Viewer. This version includes new capabilities to preconfigure the Browser Plug-In settings during the installation for all users! The new capability is included in the MSI installer, designed for large scale deployment in an Active Directory environment.
The following Browser Plug-in features can be preconfigured in the latest TIFF Viewer:
- View Mode can be configured to - Normal Size, Actual Size, Fit to width and Fit to window.
- Printing from Browser Plug-In can be configured to - Print all pages, Stretch to page and to Center on page.

TIFF Viewer 11.46 includes new capabilities to append TIFF documents to an already existing document, and to print TIFF documents without printing the annotations, allowing users to create private comments and annotations, which will not appear on the final, printed document.
The latest released TIFF Viewer version 11.46 includes further minor improvements and updated documentation to enhance user's experience.
The complete list of improvements in the latest TIFF Viewer include the following:
- Append Tiff Images to existing file
- Added option for printing image without annotation
- Storing Browser Plug-In settings in the TiffViewer.ini
- Modified the Browser Plug-In to print all pages by default
- Stability improvement for select mode setting
- Improved tab handling on the General tab of the Options dialog
- Improved tab handling on the Annotation changed dialog
- Updated manuals
- Updated MSI installation guide
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