Black Ice Software -
April 26, 2012
Tiff Viewer version 8.65 is released
Black Ice Software has released version 8.65 of the Black Ice Software Tiff Viewer and Tiff Viewer Server.
The Black Ice Tiff Viewer version 8.65 includes a new Options dialog where users can easily personalize the Tiff Viewer's settings.

In the Options one can find different settings, such as:
- Automatic saving of an Image when the document is closed
Tiff Viewer saves the image’s changes without asking when the user closes the document.
- Save current view settings upon exit
Saves every view settings including zoom modes when the user exits from the program. These settings will remain the same at the next start-up of the Tiff Viewer.
- Default View at start-up
One can choose any view mode, which will be the Tiff Viewer’s default.
- Default Select Mode
One can choose a select mode (e.g. zooming), which will be the Tiff Viewer’s default.
Version 8.65 also includes several improvements to displaying the initial message box, users can now have a more comfortable experience using the Tiff Viewer.
The TIFF Viewer & Browser Plug-in allows users to view, print, and edit any TIFF image on the Internet or to open and view TIFF files on their computer. The Black Ice TIFF Viewer includes both a browser plug-in and a standalone TIFF/Image Viewer.