Black Ice Software -
May 16, 2012
Printer Driver 13.35 is released.
Black Ice Software has released printer driver version 13.35 which includes enhanced watermark, stock watermarks and stationary, Multi driver C# installation samples, updated TiffViewer and new licensing for the " End user" versions of the printer driver's.
Watermark - Stationery!
Watermark is an indispensable tool to generate custom forms and stationary for a wide ranges of business from Medical, Telecom, Banking, Insurance, Shipping.

This business relies on the custom forms with custom graphics, in their work flow process or their document management system. For example, printing customized invoices with the Black Ice printer driver can simplify document management by using background graphics as a Watermark for each customer or specialized tasks. Users can just simply print to a predefined agent printer configured to print only (The current release includes sock Watermarks and Stationery).
Installation, more Installation!
Black Ice software expended the printer driver installation option for developers with a C# installer, due to popular demand. The C# Multi driver installer is a new addition for current VB.NET, VIX, InstallShield and MSI installers offered by Black Ice Software for developers.
Programming Tips.
Fixing printing problems from MS SQL. Any application printing or relying on printing reports from MS SQL may encounter a problem printing to the Black Ice Printer driver. After contacting Microsoft we have verified that the problem is with MS SQL. Microsoft’s recommendation is to set the Black Ice printer driver to be the default printer driver.