Black Ice Software -
July 24, 2012
Print2RDP 6.00 Final Beta is Now Available!
The new release is a complete rewrite of client printer driver mapping on the server. The Black Ice Print2RDP 6.00 does not use virtual printer technology like our competitors and Microsoft Easy print or Citrix printer mapping.
The Black Ice Print2RDP 6.00 provides more accurate printing by fully mapping the client printer device content including the Extended DEVMODE. This unique feature allows programmatic access to the local printers, such as configuring the printer driver from the Server. There are printing applications that requires control printer specific settings for a given printer. With the fully mapped printer drivers on the server, now it is possible to move this dedicated applications to the server.

The final Beta version of the Print2RDP is available for customers with maintenance free of charge. Please contact sales at to upgrade your existing serial key to version to 6.00.