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Black Ice

Black Ice Software - October 14, 2010

Black Ice Printer Driver for SharePoint® 2010 & 2007

Black Ice Printer Drivers can convert documents directly to a selected SharePoint® 2010 or 2007 site or repository. The uploading may be performed silently without any user interaction.

Developers can set the SharePoint® uploader settings:

The SharePoint uploader utility can be configured with the following parameters:

  • Upload Enable\Disable
  • Server address
  • User account information:
  • Silent uploading
  • Log directory
  • Upload directory
  • Uploader executable

Configuring the SharePoint Uploader settings using the BlackIceDEVMODE DLL and OCX

The DEVMODE data structure contains information about the initialization and environment of a printer device. The BlackIceDEVMODE DLL and OCX are designed for developers to retrieve or modify the settings of the Black Ice printer using C, C++, C#, VB, VB.NET or Delphi programming languages. Both the DLL and the OCX are contained in the Resource Toolkit.

The SharePoint Uploader settings can be retrieved or changed programmatically during and after the installation using the following functions:

IsSharePointUploadEnabled SetSharePointUpload
IsSharePointSilentEnabled SetSharePointSilent
GetSharePointServer SetSharePointServer
GetSharePointDirectory SetSharePointDirectory
GetSharePointUser SetSharePointUser
GetSharePointPass SetSharePointPass
GetSharePointLogfile SetSharePointLogfile

Read more about the API functions in the online documentation.

Configuring the SharePoint Uploader settings using the INI file

The Black Ice printer drivers can be configured to use a developer defined group of settings at installation time by using the INI file associated with the driver. Settings specified will be used to configure the Black Ice printer driver as the default settings for any user on the system. When a user clicks the restore defaults button on the Printing Preferences of the driver, the Printer Driver reverts back to the INI file settings. The INI file for each Black Ice printer driver is located in each install sample found in the \Install folder of the RTK installation.

The SharePoint Uploader settings can be found under the Post Printing Options in the INI file.

SharePoint Upload=<number> - 0 by default, "1" Uploading enabled
SharePoint Server=<string> - e.g.
SharePoint Directory=<string> - use / instead of \
SharePoint User=<string> - user credentials
SharePoint Pass=<string> - user password
SharePoint Silent=<number> - "1" uploads without interaction
SharePoint Logfile=<string> - full path of the log file
SharePoint utility=<string> - full path of PDSharePointUploader.exe.

Distribution of SharePoint Uploader Utility

The Resource Toolkit contains Install Shield and other install samples to demonstrate how to build a new Printer Driver installation.

How to include SharePoint Uploader in the distribution

When distributing the Black Ice Printer Driver with the SharePoint Uploader, the PDSharePointUploader.exe should be added to the install project. The printer driver INI file needs to contain the full path in the SharePoint utility value.

How to disable SharePoint controls of the printing preferences

The Printing Preferences dialog shows the SharePoint settings by default. These UI elements can be disabled so that the users cannot change or enable these settings on the User Interface. To disable or hide these UI elements, the resource dll needs to be modified.

Read more about this subject in the online documentation.


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