Faxproducts.com - November, 2009
Thanksgiving Sale 10 - 15% Off!
Special savings exclusive to our current subscribers. Use the coupon codes below in the Online Store
to take advantage of this special offer! What better products to put on sale than our two most popular: Print2RDP and Impact Fax Broadcast?!
Print2RDP - 15% off! |
Get our award-winning Terminal Server printing solution for 15% off until November 30th! Use the coupon code below during checkout to apply
your discount!
Coupon Code: RDPn0915
Impact Fax Broadcast - 10% off! |
Save thousands of dollars and take control of your fax marketing or blast faxing with Impact Fax Broadcast, now 10% off until November 30th!
Use the coupon code below during checkout to apply
your discount!
Coupon Code: 10IfBn09
Document Conversion
Print2Email 7.26 just released! Powerful document conversion with automatic email attachment and sending! Don't need email functionality?
Check out Filemorph for the same powerful document conversion plus Monitored Directories and an easy-to-use User Interface!
Don't forget to subscribe to future releases by purchasing maintenance.
With an active maintenance subscription, you will receive all new releases of your software
for free with your subscription! For more information call us at (603) 882-7711 Extension 3, or ImpactSales@Blackice.com