Compression options


Under the Compression tab, the user can select the compression algorithm of the PDF document’s content.

Using compression reduces the size of the output file. Compression method uses a formula or algorithm to compress data. This algorithm determines the compression quality.

A compression algorithm can be as simple as removing all extra-space characters, inserting a single repeat character to indicate a string of repeated characters, and substituting smaller bit strings for frequently occurring characters. Even this kind of compression can reduce a text file to 50% of its original size.

Compression can be either lossy (some information is permanently lost) or lossless (all information can be restored).



Black Ice Printer Drivers provide the following compression methods:

·         Stream Compression Filter - Compression type of the non-image streams.

·         Color Image Compression - Compression type of color image streams.

·         Quality - Quality of the JPEG compressed images (available values from 1 to 100, where 100 is the best quality).

·         Monochrome Image Compression - Compression types of black-and-white image streams.

Compression Methods

·         JPEG is a lossy compression algorithm that has been conceived to reduce the file size of natural, photographic-like true-color images as much as possible without affecting the quality of the image as experienced by the human eye and nervous system. JPEG is suitable for grayscale or color images. Because JPEG eliminates data, it can achieve much smaller file sizes than other lossless compression methods.