HTML File format


Print2Email include an HTML printer driver to convert any printable document into an editable, ready-to-publish HTML file with text, pictures and graphics.

The HTML Printer Driver creates an editable HTML output from a source document. Each page of the source document is transformed into an HTML web page.

Text handling features:

·         Texts are extracted into editable HTML paragraphs exactly positioned and formatted according to the source document.

·         Supports strikethrough, underline, italic, bold weighted text declarations.

·         Font information is preserved and displayed according to the source document with the following limitation: embedded fonts of PDF documents are not displayed properly unless the end user has the same font installed on the system.

Image handling features:

·         Images are extracted from the document into separate image files.

·         Image files are placed into a separate folder.

·         Limitations: clipped, rotated and sheered images are displayed without any transformation, for example, without rotation.

Vector graphics handling features:

·         Vector graphics are displayed as rasterized images.

·         Vector graphics can be disabled.

CSS handling features:

·         Internal CSS support (the style can be embedded in the HTML document header).

·         Style declarations can be written into an external CSS file, one CSS file per page or combine all CSS declarations into a single file.

·         The Style sheet file with  .css extension is generated in the same directory as the HTM output file.


For Example:

“New Tab.HTML”            - HTML file.

“New Tab.CSS”              - Style sheet file.

“New Tab_items”            - Directory containing the images used on the HTML page.


Page dimension handling  features:

Custom html page dimensions can be specified in several measurement units:

·         pixel (e.g. 800x600px)

·         0.01 inch

·         0.1 mm