Send each page as separate email


One can send each page of the printed document in a separate email, even for different recipients, with different subject and email body based on the document’s content by enabling the Send each page as separate email option in conjunction with the Enable Content Based Email Sending option.


One can also send each page of the printed document in a separate email for different recipients by enabling the Send each page as separate email option in conjunction with the Use first email address from page content option. If the Content Based Email sending is also enabled, then one can place several command sequences on the document which will be recognized, beside the email address.


NOTE: Send each page as separate email option can only be used, if the ‘Enable Content Based Email Sending’ option and/or the ‘Use first email address from page content’ option is checked.



When the “Enable Content Base Email sending” and “Send each page as separate email” option is enabled and one prints a multipage document to Print2Email. Print2Email will extract the recipients, email subject and email body from every page, and send the page in a separate email as an attachment.


NOTE: The “Use first email address from page content” feature must be disabled / unchecked when using "Enable Content Base Email Sending".


From Print2Email version 10.30, if the Print2Email find a page without a recipient, it will merge the page to the previous page until the next email recipient tag or the end of the document is found.

When the user prints a multi-page document that contains email addresses on different pages, the user will be able to send pages separately as an email.


If the “Enable Content Base Email sending” and “Send each page as a separate email” is enabled the Print2Email will send the email as in the following example:


The user prints a 9 page document. The document contains 3 email addresses with the content-based tag.

There is an email address on the 1st, 3rd and on page 7th. Pages 2,4,5,6,8 do not contain any content-based email tag (NO email address).

The Print2Email will send page 1-2 as one email, page 3-4-5-6 sent as second email and page 7-8-9 sent as third email.


The content base “EmailTo” tag will last until the next “EmailTo” tag is found in the following pages of the document. (ONE CAN NOT have more than one “EmailTo” tag on a page).


Example 1:

The following “EmailTo” tag is embedded in the printed document (7 pages):

On page 1:

On page 2:

On page 3:

On page 4:

On page 5:

On page 6:

On page 7:


When printing to the Print2Email, the Print2Email will send the following emails:

One email to which includes pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the printed document.

One email to which includes pages 5, and 6 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 7 from the printed document.


Example 2:

The following “EmailTo” tag is embedded in the printed document (7 pages):

On page 1:

On page 2: (No Email)

On page 3: (No Email)

On page 4: (No Email)

On page 5:

On page 6: (No Email)

On page 7:


When printing to the Print2Email, the Print2Email will send the following emails:

One email to which includes pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the printed document.

One email to which includes pages 5, and 6 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 7 from the printed document.


Example 3:

The following “EmailTo” tag is embedded in the printed document (7 pages):

On page 1:

On page 2:

On page 3:

On page 4:

On page 5:

On page 6:

On page 7:


When printing to the Print2Email, the Print2Email will send the following emails:

One email to which includes page 1 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 2 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 3 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 4 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 5 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 6 from the printed document.

One email to which includes page 7 from the printed document.