This method starts printing document. This method can handle Microsoft Word (docx, doc, dot, docm, dotx, rft), Microsoft Excel (xlsx, xls, xlsm, xlsb, csv), Microsoft Power Point (ppsx, pptx, pps, ppt, ppsm, pptm), Microsoft Visio (vs*, v*x), AutoCAD (dwg) documents, Adobe and Foxit PDF (pdf), HTML (html, htm), Text (txt) and several image formats (tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, png). The method starts the proper application (for example Word in case of doc file), and prints the document. The printing application will not appear on screen.
NOTE: You can print only to a Black Ice printer driver.
IMPORTANT: You have to initialize the BiAutoPrint.ocx with BIAPInitialize method before using this method.
Note: The BIAPEndPrinting must be called after every document is printed.
RetVal = [BiAutoPrint.]BIAPStartPrintingEx PrinterName FileName OutputMode OutputPath
Returns RetVal Bool TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Remarks PrinterName String Name of the Black Ice printer to print.
FileName String Path and name of the file to print.
OutputMode Integer Output file name generation mode.
Possible values:
0: Use printer settings (Use the printer settings for the output directory and output filename generation).
1: Set output folder (Use the pOutputPath as the output directory and use the printer settings for the output filename generation).
2: Set output filename (Use the pOutputPath as the output filename with path and file extension).
6: Set output filename without extension (Use the pOutputPath as the output filename with path and without extension. In this case the BIAPStartPrintingEx will add the file extension what belongs to the printer output file format setting).
Note: The dwOutputMode value 3, 4 and 5 is reserved for future use.
OutputPath String Output directory or file path depends on the OutputMode parameter.
If dwOutputMode is 0 pOutputPath is always NULL
If dwOutputMode is 1 pOutputPath contains the path of the output directory
If dwOutputMode is 2 pOutputPath contains the path and name of the output file with file extension
If dwOutputMode is 6 pOutputPath contains the path and name of the output file without file extension.