The Auto-print sample can be configured through the Auto print C# Sample.INI file.
After the Auto-print sample started at first time, the sample creates the INI file in the c:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Auto-print SDK directory. All users who start the Auto-print sample will have their own INI files in c:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Auto-print SDK directory. If the INI file in the \AppData\Roaming\Auto-print SDK is damaged or deleted, the sample uses the INI file in the <Auto-print SDK installation folder>\<Auto-print 32/64 bit>\Samples directory which created during the installation.
The INI file structure and the available options are the followings:
[Printer Settings]
Printer Name=
Input Directory=
Converted Directory=
Processed Directory=
Failed Directory=
Use Temp Directory=
[PDF Settings]
Use Foxit Reader=
The available options are the same as on the Auto-print sample user interface described in the Auto-print C# Sample section. For example, to configure the Auto-print sample through the INI file, the INI file should be the following:
[Printer Settings]
Printer Name=Black Ice ColorPlus X1
logfile=C:\files_to_convert\Auto-print C# Sample logfile.txt
Input Directory=C:\files_to_convert
Converted Directory=<<USERPROFILE>>\Documents
Processed Directory=C:\files_to_convert\Processed
Failed Directory=C:\files_to_convert\Failed
Profile=TIFF Group 4 200dpi Monochrome
Use Temp Directory=0
[PDF Settings]
Use Foxit Reader=0
Fine tuning Auto-print Samples
The Auto-print C#, C++, VB.NET and Service samples timeout interval, printing delay interval and password protection checking can be configured through the BiAutoPrint.ini file for the better document conversion. For more information please refer to Fine tuning Auto-print Samples section.