Application Menu


One may open the Application Menu by clicking on the blue colored button on the top left corner of the application. The Application Menu contains the basic functionalities of document editing.



The options from top to bottom are:


1.      New Form: by clicking on the New Form button, Form Designer creates a blank, one-page form.

2.      Open Form: by clicking on the Open Form button, a file browser window appears where one can select from already existing forms.

3.      Open template: by clicking on the Open Template button, the Open Form Template window appears where users can select from template forms.

4.      Save…: saves the document currently in use. If the current document has never been saved, the Save As window appears where users can name the document, choose the file location and the file format.

5.      Save As…: The Save As option offers to save the document currently in use. By clicking on it, the Save As window appears where users can select a different file location and file format for the currently opened form.

6.      Print: opens up the Print window, allowing printing the currently used document. General printing options are also available on this window.

7.      Help: opens up the Help window containing the product manual.

8.      About: Version information and Black Ice Software contact information is presented in this window.

9.      Close: Closes the application.