Start the installation by double clicking on the FormDesignerSetup.exe file download. The following installation Wizard window will pop up, please follow the instructions:
Click Next to continue.
On the next screen, the license agreement can be seen.
Please read carefully, and if you agree, please click on the: “I accept the terms of the license agreement”, then click on the Next button.
On the next screen users can choose the program folder. In this folder the product will appear on the start menu.
The program folder can be left “as is” by default, can be typed in, or can be chosen from existing ones.
If it is all set, please click on Next to continue.
The installer will set up the product and register it as a demo. The successful registration will be shown by this dialog window:
Click on OK, or close the window.
The InstallShield window will reappear, showing if the installation was successful.
After clicking on the Finish button the Form Designer is ready to be used.