Document Indexing


In IceViewer, Administrators can specify document categories for helping users organize their documents more easily.


Each Document Category can have a set of index fields, storing text information bounded to a document.


For example, Administrators can create an HR document category, for Human Resources documents. This category can a set of index fields, for example, First Name, Last Name, Employee Number, Hire Date, and so on. When uploading a document, the user can select what category the document should be uploaded into.



To Add a new Category, click on Add New Category button:



Enter the Category Name, and Description and Save Category.


To specify Index Fields for a category, click on a Category.



To add a new field, click on the Add New Index Field button.


The Index Fields have the following properties:


·         Name specifies the name of the field. This will be displayed for the users in IceViewer.

·         Description specifies a descriptive text about what information should be entered into this field.

·         Type specifies what type of information this field can contain. Type can be one the followings:

o   Text allows users to enter any text, digits, special character into the field.

o   Number allows entering only digits.

o   Date allows entering date and time.

·         Maximum Length specifies the maximum length of the entered information.


Once finished configuring the Index Fields, click on the Save Index Fields button.