Enable the built-in IceViewer Authentication Method for Administrator


The IceViewer includes a secondary Authentication method, bypassing the Windows Authentication when you accessing the IceViewer Admin Panel. The authentication method can be very useful, if one has trouble managing and entering the Windows credentials, or to restrict the IceViewer Admin Panel access to only one account.


In order to activate the new secondary Authentication method, please edit the web.config file in the IceViewer website directory.


By default, the web.config file is located at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IceViewer\web.config


//**change this





                <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="314572800" />




  <location path="admin">



        <allow roles="Administrator"/>

        <deny users="*"/>




//**change to





                <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="314572800" />




  <!--<location path="admin">



        <allow roles="Administrator"/>

        <deny users="*"/>





Change the BypassWindowsAuthentication value in the web.config file from 0 to 1.



<add key="BypassWindowsAuthentication" value="0"/>

//**change to

<add key="BypassWindowsAuthentication" value="1"/>


Save the web.config file, and try accessing the Admin Panel through the browser.

One should receive a login page, where one can enter the following credentials to access the Admin Page.


Username: root

Password: IceViewer12345


The username and password above are the default login in the web.config file for the built-in Authentication method. It is highly recommended to change the default password.


In order to modify the credentials, one can edit the yellow marked values in the web.config file.


<add key="IceViewerAdmin" value="root" />

<add key="IceViewerAdminPassword" value="IceViewer12345" />