Changing Printer Driver Setting Before Printing in C#


The Following C# code demonstrates how to change the printer driver setting before printing for File Format, Output directory, and to load a predefined profile.


To be able to change the Printer Driver settings, the BlackIceDEVMODE ActiveX Control reference should be added to the C# project in Visual Studio.


For detailed description about how to add Active X control to your C# project, please refer to the Registering the ActiveX Controls section.


For 32 bit


// This function changes a few printer settings in the specified printer driver

public void ChangeSettings(string szPrinterName)


      // Creating BlackIceDEVMODE object


      BiDevmode = new BLACKICEDEVMODELib.BlackIceDEVMODE();


      // Create a new BlackIceDEVMODE structure and load current printing     settings

      int pDevMode = BiDevmode.LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);


      // Set the output directory

      BiDevmode.SetOutputDirectory(@"<<USERPROFILE>>\Documents", pDevMode);


      // Set output file format to "PDF"

      BiDevmode.SetFileFormat(36, pDevMode);


      // Apply the new settings and release the BlackICeDEVMODE structure

      BiDevmode.SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName, pDevMode);





// This function loads a profile into the specified printer

public void LoadProfile(string szPrinterName, string szProfileName)


      // Creating BlackIceDEVMODE object


      BiDevmode = new BLACKICEDEVMODELib.BlackIceDEVMODE();


      // Create a new BlackIceDEVMODE structure and load current printing     settings

      int pDevMode = BiDevmode.LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);


      // Load a printer driver profile.

      // Settings that are stored in the registry get applied immediately,

      // settings that are stored in the BlackIceDEVMODE structure get loaded to       pDevMode


      // and get applied when we call SaveBlackIceDEVMODE

      BiDevmode.ApplyProfile(szPrinterName, szProfileName, pDevMode);


      // Apply the new settings and release the BlackICeDEVMODE structure

      BiDevmode.SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName, pDevMode);



// Using the functions:


// Change some of the printer settings.

ChangeSettings("Black Ice ColorPlus");


// Or load one of the profiles.

// To load a printer profile, the sample must be compiled to the same

// platform as the printer driver, so for 64 bit systems, set the platform to x64

LoadProfile("Black Ice ColorPlus", "Display BMP");


For 64 bit


// This function changes a few printer settings in the specified printer driver

public void ChangeSettings(string szPrinterName)


      // Creating BlackIceDEVMODE object


      BiDevmode = new BLACKICEDEVMODELib.BlackIceDEVMODE();


      // Create a new BlackIceDEVMODE structure and load current printing     settings

      long pDevMode = BiDevmode.LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);


      // Set the output directory

      BiDevmode.SetOutputDirectory(@"<<USERPROFILE>>\Documents", pDevMode);


      // Set output file format to "PDF"

      BiDevmode.SetFileFormat(36, pDevMode);


      // Apply the new settings and release the BlackICeDEVMODE structure

      BiDevmode.SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName, pDevMode);





// This function loads a profile into the specified printer

public void LoadProfile(string szPrinterName, string szProfileName)


      // Creating BlackIceDEVMODE object


      BiDevmode = new BLACKICEDEVMODELib.BlackIceDEVMODE();


      // Create a new BlackIceDEVMODE structure and load current printing     settings

      long pDevMode = BiDevmode.LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);


      // Load a printer driver profile.

      // Settings that are stored in the registry get applied immediately,

      // settings that are stored in the BlackIceDEVMODE structure get loaded to       pDevMode


      // and get applied when we call SaveBlackIceDEVMODE

      BiDevmode.ApplyProfile(szPrinterName, szProfileName, pDevMode);


      // Apply the new settings and release the BlackICeDEVMODE structure

      BiDevmode.SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName, pDevMode);



// Using the functions:


// Change some of the printer settings.

ChangeSettings("Black Ice ColorPlus");


// Or load one of the profiles.

// To load a printer profile, the sample must be compiled to the same

// platform as the printer driver, so for 64 bit systems, set the platform to x64

LoadProfile("Black Ice ColorPlus", "Display BMP");