

Copies the current user’s printer settings to every user on the system. Requires administrator privileges.


CopySettingsForAllUsers(szPrinterName As String) As Boolean


Input value szPrinterName:        -The name of the printer that should be copied.


Return value:                                  -True on success, otherwise False.


NOTE: For 32-bit applications, use pDevMode as Integer, instead of Long.



// create a DEVMODE structure
long pDevMode = BlackIceDEVMODE.CreateDefaultSettings(printerName);


// change the settings
BlackIceDEVMODE.SetPaperSize((short)paperCode, pDevMode);



// save the settings for the current user and release the structure
BlackIceDEVMODE.SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(printerName, pDevMode);


// copy the current user's settings to all users on the system