
#include “BLICECTR.H”


BOOL PASCAL EndWaitPrnPipe(PWCHAR pszPipeName);


Stops the Pipe Message Capture thread that was started by WaitForPrnPipe, and WaitForPrnPipeWithPriority.


PWCHAR pszPipeName - pointer to a NULL terminated UNICODE string that contains the pipe name, including the \\.\pipe\ prefix.

Return value

TRUE if the thread was stopped successfully, FALSE otherwise.

Programming Notes


Code Example

C# example


Please see the following example for blicectr.dll functions in C# code:


//Black Ice Message Capture function from blicectr.dll

[DllImport("blicectr.dll", EntryPoint = "EndWaitPrnPipe", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]

private static extern int EndWaitPrnPipe(string pszPipeName);


Once imported, one can use the EndWaitPrnPipe function in the C# code as in the following example:


//Stop listening for messages

EndWaitPrnPipe("Listened message pipe");


VB.NET example


Please see the following example for blicectr.dll functions in VB.NET code:


'Black Ice Message Capture function from blicectr.dll

Private Declare Unicode Function EndWaitPrnPipe Lib "blicectr.dll" (pszPipeName As String) As Integer


Once imported, one can use the EndWaitPrnPipe function in the VB.NET code as in the following example:


'Stop listening for messages

EndWaitPrnPipe("Listened message pipe")