#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”
DWORD GetFTPConnectionByIndex (BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode, int iIndex);
Returns the ID of a stored FTP connection. Used with GetFTPConnectionCount to enumerate the stored FTP server connection settings. See the code example below.
BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode - pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure.
Int iIndex - index of the connection to return.
Return value
The function returns the ID of the stored connection settings. This ID can be used in other GetFTP* and SetFTP* functions to retrieve or change the settings.
Programming Notes
Code Example
Enumerating the stored connection settings:
int iCount = GetFTPConnectionCount(pDevMode);
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
DWORD dwConnectionID = GetFTPConnectionByIndex(pDevMode, i);
TCHAR szName[128] = {0};
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szName);
GetFTPConnectionName(pDevMode, dwConnectionID, szName, &dwSize);
_tprintf(_T("%s\n"), szName);