#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”
BOOL GetFTPTrustCertificate (BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode, DWORD dwConnectionID, int* iValue);
Gets the Trust Certificate property of the stored FTP connection identified by dwConnectionID. This property describes how the Printer Driver is handling untrusted cerificates.
BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode
Pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure.
DWORD dwConnectionID
The ID of the connection. The ID can be attained by using the GetFTPConnectionByIndex, GetFTPConnectionByName, GetSelectedFTPConnection or the AddFTPConnection functions.
int* iValue
Pointer to a variable that will receive the property. The returned value can be one of the values from the FTPTrustCertificate enum:
enum FTPTrustCertificate
FTP_CERTIFICATE_NOT_TRUSTED = 0, // A dialog pops with options to
// accept or reject the certificate
FTP_CERTIFICATE_TRUSTED = 1 // Always accept the certificate
// and do not show dialog
Return value
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Programming Notes
Code Example