#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”
BOOL GetPaperName(BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode, DWORD dwPaperCode, LPTSTR szPaperName, DWORD* pSize);
Retrieves the name of a paper size specified by its paper code.
BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode:
Pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure of the printer.
DWORD dwPaperCode:
The paper code of the paper.
LPCTSTR szPaperName:
A buffer that will receive the name of the paper size.
DWORD* pSize:
Pointer to an integer that specifies the size of the szPaperName buffer in bytes. If szPaperName is NULL, this integer will receive the required buffer size in bytes.
Return value
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Programming Notes
Code Example