

#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”


BOOL             GetPdfAOpenHideControls(BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode, BOOL* pEnable);


This value specifies that the viewer application’s user interface elements in the document’s window (for example: scroll bars and navigation controls) should be hidden or not when the output PDF/A document is opened.


BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode              - pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure.

BOOL* pEnable                                             - pointer to the variable, contains the state of the Hide controls option:

FALSE: The user interface elements in the document’s window are visible in the viewer when opening the output PDF file

TRUE: The user interface elements in the document’s window are hidden  in the viewer when opening the output PDF file

Return value

TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.

Programming Notes


Code Example
