

#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”


DWORD        ModifyPaperSize(BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode, LPCTSTR szPaperName, LPCTSTR szNewPaperName, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwUnit);


Modifies an existing paper in the printer’s paper list. The function can only modify paper sizes added with the user interface or the AddPaperSize API function. It cannot modify the default paper sizes such as A4 or Letter. The printing application must be restarted for the changes to take effect.


Paper sizes added using the AddPaperSize function or from the Printing Preferences dialog will be deleted when the user presses the Restore Defaults button on the Printing Preferences dialog. To add a papers size permanently for all users, the new paper size should be added to the Printer Driver’s INI files.


BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode:

Pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure of the printer.


LPCTSTR szPaperName:

Name of the existing paper size to modify.


LPCTSTR szNewPaperName:

The new name of the paper size.


DWORD dwWidth:

New width of the paper size. The dwUnit parameter specifies the units.


DWORD dwHeight:

New height of the paper size. The dwUnit parameter specifies the units.


DWORD dwUnit:

Specifies the units of dwWidth and dwHeight, can be one of the following values:

0: hundredths of inches

1: teths of millimeters

2: pixels


Return value

On success: The windows paper code of the paper that was modified, that can be used with the SetPaperSize function.

The function returns 0, if an error happens or the paper with the given name does not exist or it is not modifiable.

Programming Notes


Code Example

// load the DEVMODE structure
BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode = LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);

// add or modify paper size
DWORD dwPaperCode = AddPaperSize(pDevMode, _T("Test Paper"), 1000, 1000, 1);
if (dwPaperCode == 0)
  dwPaperCode = ModifyPaperSize(pDevMode, _T("Test Paper"),
    _T("Test Paper"), 1000, 1000, 1);

// Set the new paper size and other settings
SetPaperSize(dwPaperCode, pDevMode);


// save the settings for the current user and release the structure
SaveBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName, pDevMode);

// copy the current user's settings to all users on the system