

#include “BlackIceDEVMODE.h”


BOOL            SetFileExtensionA(LPCSTR fnameext, BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode);


Sets the FileExtension member of the BlackIceDEVMODE. Sets the value of the 'File Name Extension' edit box.


LPCSTR fnameext                                     - File Name Extension (string)

BlackIceDEVMODE* pDevMode            - pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure.

Return value

TRUE if the member was successfully set, otherwise FALSE.

Programming Notes


Code Example


Using the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll with applications configured for “Multi-Byte Character Set” (ANSI)

The DEVMODE structure returned and used by the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll functions is always Unicode. Internally, the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll uses Unicode. The ANSI functions (functions with a name ending with ‘A’) in the DLL convert the string parameters to Unicode and call the Unicode version of the function, but the DEVMODE structure is kept Unicode for efficiency reasons and to prevent data loss. When passing a DEVMODE structure returned by one of the functions in BlackIceDEVMODE.dll to WinAPI functions, the Unicode version of the WinAPI functions must be used.  You can use the Unicode version of WinAPI functions even if your application is not compiled to Unicode, by appending a ‘W’ character to the end of the WinAPI function name. For example, to call the Unicode version of CreateDC , you can use the CreateDCW function. To convert the printer name or other strings to Unicode, you can use the MultiByteToWideChar WinAPI function.


Sample Code:


       char szPrinterName[256] = "Black Ice ColorPlus";

       WCHAR szPrinterNameUnicode[256];

       MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szPrinterName, -1, szPrinterNameUnicode, 256);


       HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;



       if(OpenPrinterW(szPrinterNameUnicode, &hPrinter, &pd))


              LPBlackIceDEVMODE lpDevMode = LoadBlackIceDEVMODE(szPrinterName);

              if (lpDevMode == NULL)



                     return FALSE;



              // Setting TIFF Group 4, 1 bit output for example

              SetFileFormat(FFR_TIFF_G4, lpDevMode);   // FFR_TIFF_G4 = 7

              SetColorDepth(BITS_1, lpDevMode);        // BITS_1 = 0


              HDC hDC = CreateDCW(L"WINSPOOL", szPrinterNameUnicode, NULL, (DEVMODEW*)lpDevMode);

              if (hDC == NULL)



                     return FALSE;


