The Uninstall.DLL removes the installed printer driver based on the printer driver name. The Uninstall.DLL contains the following functions, StartUninstall and StartUninstall2.
StartUninstall2 is available in version 13.73 and higher. The StartUninstall2 function has an additional option that disables all windows and message boxes to support silent installations; otherwise the two function calls are equivalent.
The Uninstall 32-bit dll for both 32-bit and 64-bit OS (BiUninstall32.dll) location in Release RTK:
[Installed Release RTK path]\RTK 32 bit\Install\Driver Files\BiUninstall32.dll
[Installed Release RTK path]\RTK 64 bit\Install\Driver Files\BiUninstall32.dll
The Uninstall 64-bit dll for 64-bit OS (BiUninstall64.dll) location in Release RTK:
[Installed Release RTK path]\RTK 64 bit\Install\Driver Files\BiUninstall64.dll
How to compile the Uninstall DLL
The Uninstall DLL can be rebuilt by using Visual studio 2005/2008/2010.
Open pfaxrmv.sln in Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010
Choose the appropriate project configuration:
NT Release: for 32 bit installations
NT Release x64: for 64 bit installations
Rebuild the project.
The Compiled DLL will be named BuXRmvNT.dll. This dll needs to be renamed depending on your printer driver type:
OEM Driver Type |
Uninstall dll name |
Uninstall DLL name (DEMO) |
ColorPlus Printer Driver |
BuARmvNT.dll |
BuARmvND.dll |
ColorPlus Printer Driver TS |
BuARmvTS.dll |
BuARmvTD.dll |
Monochrome Printer Driver |
BuMRmvNT.dll |
BuMRmvND.dll |
Monochrome Printer Driver TS |
BuMRmvNT.dll |
BuMRmvND.dll |
PDF Printer Driver |
BuPRmvNT.dll |
BuPRmvND.dll |
PDF Printer Driver TS |
BuPRmvTS.dll |
BuPRmvTD.dll |
Color Printer Driver |
BuCRmvNT.dll |
BuCRmvND.dll |
Color Printer Driver TS |
BuCRmvTS.dll |
BuCRmvTD.dll |
Metafile Printer Driver |
BuERmvNT.dll |
BuERmvND.dll |
Metafile Printer Driver TS |
BuERmvTS.dll |
BuERmvTD.dll |
Troubleshooting – Installation Debug Logging:
The Uninstall DLL have a built-in feature to generate detailed log files of the Black Ice Printer Drivers uninstallations, API/RTK uninstallations and install samples to let Developers and System Integrators to speed up troubleshooting and isolate problems. For more information please refer to the Enable Installation Logging section of the manual.
Sample Source Code Folder Location:
<RTK Installation Folder>\Install\ UnInstallDll
Project file: |
Compiler: |
pfaxrmv2005.sln pfaxrmv2008.sln pfaxrmv2010.sln |
Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio 2010 |
pfaxrmv2012.sln |
Visual Studio 2012 |
pfaxrmv2013.sln |
Visual Studio 2013 + Multibyte MFC Library for Visual Studio 2013 |
pfaxrmv2015.sln |
Visual Studio 2015 |
Note: One can change or customize the uninstall.dll dialog box user interface with the Visual Studio resource editor.
The uninstall dialog box is defined in the pfaxrmv.rc file.
To edit the dialog, open the pfaxrmv.sln project in Visual Studio, find “IDD_UNINSTALL_DIALOG” in the Resource View window and double click on it.
Start Uninstall
Changing the Black Ice logo on the Uninstall form
This section does not available in the DEMO RTK.
Manual uninstallation of the printer driver please see:
Manually Uninstalling the Printer Drivers