Black Ice Software - TIFF Viewer 13.45 is released! You're receiving this newsletter because you signed up at BLACKICE.COM
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TIFF Viewer 13.45 is released! |
The latest release of the Tiff Viewer version 13.45 includes many important but not critical features and improvements. Some of the new features include adding annotations to vector PDF (Tiff Viewer Pro only), Administrator controls for configuring the TIFF Viewer Desktop Application, Edge/Chrome extension, and Internet Explorer Plug-in for every user on the computer, and adding a scanning feature with many new annotation improvements.
- By using the new Force Default Settings feature in the TIFF Viewer, Administrators can force the TIFF Viewer to ignore any personal user-configured setting. This will prevent users from changing any settings, and force the use of the default settings from a centralized location, which can only be edited by Administrators.
This new feature can be useful to increase data security and restrict users from changing the TIFF Viewer configuration or enable features that can jeopardize data security.
- The TIFF Viewer Pro comes with new features that add Black Ice Annotations to Vector PDFs for creating and editing. Annotations for PDFs include Note, Comment, Signature, Stamps, Rectangle, Arrow, Redact, and more. The Annotations can be saved in a portable XML file or burned into the document and saved as a PDF or TIFF file.
- The TIFF Viewer also has a new feature to insert scanned pages before or after the currently selected page on the Batch Scan dialog. This makes it easier for users to scan and add pages to existing documents while eliminating the multiple clicks it took to reorganize the document in the TIFF Viewer.
Complete MODI Replacement!
With Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) reaching End of Life, it is no longer consider to be HIPAA compliant. The Black Ice Tiff Viewer is capable of viewing, editing and printing scanned/faxed TIFF images and other image types, resulting in an ideal substitute for MODI. When paired with the Black Ice Printer Drivers users can convert any file format to Tiff, PDF and more. The evaluation copy of both solutions is fully functional for 15 days with free priority technical support during your evaluation. Once the demo period is over you may contact our sales team for information on how to obtain a license.
The complete list of improvements in the latest TIFF Viewer includes the following:
DATE: 02-10-2022
Version : 13.45 (revision 1887)
- Restarting Tiff Viewer with administrator privilege when re-activating in case of a licensing error (#14776)
- Added the feature of adding and editing Black Ice Annotations for any PDF files opened in the Tiff Viewer (#14904)
- Added feature for Administrators to allow or block users to change user-specific features in the Tiff Viewer (#14893)
- Added feature for Administrators to allow or block users to change user-specific features in the Chrome/Edge extension (#14884)
- Added feature for Administrators to allow or block users to change user-specific features in the Explorer Browser Plugin (#14893)
- Stability improvements for opening PDF documents in the Chrome/Edge extension from a "blob" URL (#14892)
- Restarting Tiff Viewer with administrator privilege when re-activating in case of a licensing error (#14776)
DATE : 01-24-2022
Version : 13.40 (revision 1882)
- Added support for reading 32 bit grayscale LZW compressed TIFF images (#14812)
- The Chrome Extension does not try to open PDF files if the Tiff Viewer was registered with a Standard or Legacy license (#14719, #14835, #14836)
- Updated BiImg1.dll (BiTiff) to version 12.90.888
DATE: 01-21-2022
Version : 13.37 (revision 1880)
- Added INI option to disable the Layers feature on the Annotation tab (#14826)
DATE: 01-21-2022
Version : 13.36 (revision 1878)
- Tiff Viewer now jumps back to the modified page after undo (#14340)
- Minor user interface improvements for the Options dialog, the Annotation tab and the default context menu for images (#14220, #14277, #14494, #14506)
- Stability improvements for exiting Tiff Viewer (#14649)
- Minor user interface improvement for the Tiff Viewer installers (#14792, #14793)
- Minor user interface improvement for the manual registration (#14782)
- Updated BuRegister.dll to version 16.80.2748
DATE: 01-05-2022
Version : 13.35 (revision 1874)
- Fixed confusing error message after trying license activation with an invalid serial number (#14741)
- Made error message clearer in case of a connection error during updating the Tiff Viewer (Error 19) (#14748)
- Fixed warning message not appearing before subscription expiration (#14749)
- Fixed licensing related error messages in the Tiff Viewer installers (#14764, #14765)
- Minor user interface improvements for the Tiff Viewer 64-bit installer (#14777)
- Updated eLicense.dll to version 6.27.294
- Updated BuRegister.dll to version 16.76.2742
DATE: 12-23-2021
Version : 13.33 (revision 1869)
- Stability improvements for detecting the Microsoft Edge in the Tiff Viewer installers (#14705)
- Fixed ascii tag saving issue with the Tiff tag information dialog (#14707)
- Added option to disable file assocations for the .tif, .tiff and .fax file extensions to the Tiff Viewer MSI installer (#14721)
- Added options to disable loading and saving annotations manually (#14720)
- Added architecture information (bitness) to the title and the about box in the 32-bit Tiff Viewer (#14731)
- Stability improvement for the Browser Plugin being uninstalled when updating from an older version using the MSI installer (#14732)
- Updated the BiAnno.dll version to 12.86.869
DATE: 12-06-2021
Version : 13.32 (revision 1861)
- Added digital signature for the Black Ice Tiff Viewer Chrome Extension files (Configure Extension.exe, PdfSharp.dll, Svg.dll) (#14617)
- Added options to insert scanned pages before or after the currently selected page on the Batch Scan dialog (#14560)
- Stability improvements for using the Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge extension via RDP remote session (#14687)
- Minor user interface improvements when changing the Chrome/Edge extension on the Options window (#14628)
- Minor user interface improvements for the Tiff Viewer uninstallers (#14580)
- Added .NET Framework 4.6 version checking for the Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge extension to the Tiff Viewer installers (#14196)
- Updated BuRegister.dll to version 16.76.2731
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For license information, please visit our Customer License Management Portal.
*Only valid for new purchases, no upgrades or add-ons. This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts.
Black Ice Software, LLC | 950 Peninsula Corp Circle Suite 2017, Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA Telephone: 1(561)-757-4107