Printing Annotations

  Imaging Toolkit

By default when printing an image which contains annotations, the annotations themselves are not printed along with the image. In order to print the annotation objects, you must do the following:

In the case of the BiAnno.dll.
– You can draw the annotation object to the printer dc with AnnoUIOnPaint function.
See the OnFilePrint function in the C++ Annotation sample.
– You can burn the annotation object into the image before printing.

In the case of the BiAnno.ocx.
– You have to burn annotation object into the image before printing.
You can create a temporary dib to burn the annotations into.
– You can load image file into a DIB without using BiDisp.ocx (for example: hDib = BITiffobj.LoadTiffIntoDIB(fileName, nImage, 0))
You can load the annotation objects without using BiDisp.ocx (for example: Anno.AnnoLoadFromTiff(fileName, 0))
You can add annotation objects programatically using BiAnno.ocx methods (for example: CreateAnnoObj, AnnoObjSetPos, AnnoObjSetSize etc.)
You can save annotation objects to a file with AnnoSaveToFile method.
So you can load, create and save annotation object without BiDisp.ocx control.

Technical Support Team