Inside This Issue:
Median Filter Now in Barcode SDK! 1
Black Ice Software Announces Print2FTP for the Printer Drivers! 1
Printer Driver Tips and Tricks - Maintaining the Same Input and Output Filename 3

The BLACK ICE NEWSLETTER is published by Black Ice Software, LLC. The contents of this newsletter in its entirety are Copyright © 2006 by Black Ice Software, LLC. 292 Route 101, Salzburg Square, Amherst, NH 03031, USA. Black  Ice Software, Inc. does hereby give permission to reproduce material contained in this newsletter, provided credit is given to the source, and a copy of the publication that the material appears in is sent to Black Ice Software at the above address.

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Median Filter Now in Barcode SDK!

There are new functions in the PDF-417 barcode dynamic link library and ActiveX control for searching barcodes on the image using a median filter. If the image is noisy: for example scanned or faxed, the barcode algorithms may not find the barcode on the picture. In this case you should use the new barcode

functions, which using nonlinear median filter before detecting barcodes improves the ability to read.

A median filter operation on an image removes long tailed noise such as negative exponential and salt and pepper type noise from the image with a minimum blurring of

the image. Median filter is defined as :

Median(A) = median[A(x + i, y + j)]

where the coordinate (x+i, y+j ) is defined over the image A and the coordinate (i, j) is defined over the N x N size square mask.

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Black Ice Software Announces Print2FTP for the Printer Drivers!

Print2FTP transfers printed images to a specified FTP server. The application starts after the printing is finished, and will then copy all printed images to the FTP server. Print2FTP has C++, Visual Basic, C#, and J# versions in Visual Studio 2005, and Delphi in Borland Delphi 5.

The C++ program uses the BiPrint2FTP.dll dynamic link library for transferring files to the FTP server, while the Visual Basic, Delphi, C# and J# programs use the BiPrint2FTP.ocx ActiveX control. The dll and ocx were also written in Visual Studio 2005, and the dll uses the CInternetSession and CFtpConnection classes.

The entire source of the sample programs, BiPrintToFTP.dll and ocx is provided in the Printer Driver Resource Tool Kit.

If you want to configure the program, start the executable without parameters, you will get a box similar to Figure 1.

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