Open Documents using URL parameters


One can open documents with IceViewer using URL parameters, as in the following example:



The myiceviewerwebsite must be replaced with the IP address of your IceViewer web server, or domain name.


The c:\docs\invoice.tif must be replaced with the absolute path of the document on the IceViewer Server you would like to open.


Opening documents with URL parameters allows Administrators to embed the IceViewer into their application, and open documents without user-interaction.


The IceViewer supports the following parameters in the URL:





The ID of the document that you would like to open. The DocumentID can be anything, an absolute path, of a database row ID. It’s the IceViewer’s job to recognize the DocumentID, and open the document using the associated Content-Engine.






The Profile specifies the layout (User Interface) for the viewing session. IceViewer can have multiple preconfigured layouts for various purposes, for example for hiding the icons and footer, when the IceViewer is embedded in an application. To edit existing profiles, or create new ones, go to the Admin Panel > User Interface tab.


Examples for embedding:



The Config specifies the Session Configuration for the viewing session. This parameter can be used to specify the behavior and settings of the IceViewer, for example the default View Mode for a viewing session.


If the Config is not specified, IceViewer will use the default settings from the web.config file on the IceViewer Server.


If you specify a Config that is not exists, IceViewer will create a new Session Configuration. You can configure the Session Configuration based on the IceViewer Options – Session Configurations section.





The CE parameter specifies the Content-Engine that will be used to open the document.


Possible values:

1: FileEngine (default)

2: DatabaseEngine






If the CE parameter is not specified, the Default Content-Engine will be used, which is the FileEngine.


The Annotation specifies an external annotation file, that will be loaded for the TIFF document.





If the Annotation file does not exist, or the Annotation parameter is not specified, the IceViewer will load the annotations from the TIFF document itself.


NOTE: When the Annotation parameter is specified in the URL and you save the document, the annotations will be saved into the specified Annotation File.