Volume 11, Issue 3

Printer Driver Tips and Tricks – Maintaining the Same Input and Output Filename

Often times it is desirable to create an application using the Black Ice printer drivers which generates output files with the same name as the input files. For example, printing “Test.doc” to the Black Ice Printer Driver and getting an output file called “Test.pdf”.

The Black Ice printer driver supports seven filename generation methods:

Use the prefix and extension
Prefix and extension from the registry
Prefix and extension from the INI file
Exact filename
Exact filename from the registry
Exact filename from the INI file
Use the document name

In the past, the “Use the document name” has created some confusion among our customers. Many developers, when printing programmatically to the Black Ice printer, would like to use the file name of the original printed document as the file name of the generated image file. This is not directly possible since printer drivers are not aware of the name of the file printed by the printing application. When a printer driver prepares the print job, the printing application can pass a string to the printer driver specifying the document name, but in most cases that is not the same as the actual file name.

For example if Word prints a file called test.doc, the document name passed by Word to the printer driver will be “Microsoft Word – test.doc”.

There are two basic types of printing involving the Black Ice printer drivers: Program driven and User driven. Depending on how the Black Ice printer driver is receiving print jobs, you will want to proceed differently to maintain the same filenames

Program Driven:

1. When printing is done programmatically, the printing application knows the name of the file which is going to be printed. Before printing, the application must read the name of the source file.

2. Once you have the name of the source file, use the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll or BlackIceDEVMODE.ocx controls to change the filename generation method to “Use exact filename” and set the output file name using the SetImageFileName() function to the desired file name. Cutting the extension of the original file, and replacing it with the file extension for the current file type can create the desired file name. Use the GetFileExtension() function to get the file extension for the currently used file format.

Using these simple steps it is possible to

create images having the source document’s name. The Black Ice Printer Driver RTKs include simple sample applications which demonstrate the above steps and can be used as a starting point for implementing this functionality in your own application.

User Driven:

Using the custom plug-in functionality of the Black Ice Printer Drivers, developers can perform custom actions at various stages in the printing process. To maintain the same file names, developers can do the following:

1. Use the custom plug-in at the StartDoc phase of printing and call the GetDocumentNameFromJobInfo function / method of the BlackIceDevmodeControls to retrieve the name of the document passed to the printer by the printing application.

2. Parse the text string for known strings added to the file name by the printing application. Some examples of how printing applications pass the document name are available in Figure 1 below.

3. Use the DocumentName function / method of the Black Ice printer drivers to set the output filename to the modified

4. Resume printing


Figure 1

Application Prefix Suffix Other  
MS Word "Microsoft Word -" N/A N/A  
Notepad N/A "- Notepad"

Words in filename connected with underscores.

Adobe Acrobat N/A N/A N/A  
MS Excel N/A N/A N/A  
MS Publisher N/A N/A N/A  
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