(File Name Generation Continued from page 1)
files” option is turned on, the printer driver will append the new pages to the existing file. The file format used must be a multi page format such as TIFF, PCX or PDF.

Use document name

In this case the printer driver will use the document name supplied by the printing application exactly as it is passed to the printer driver.

BlackIceDEVMODE, Registry, INI file

The printer driver can take the information of the filename generation method from three different places:

· From the BlackIceDEVMODE structure. You can specify it programmatically or through user interface.

 · From the registry. You can save the information to the registry. You can use the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER for this. If you use HKEY_CURRENT_USER, all users on the computer can specify their own settings. For example: The administrator sets the filename generation method to “Exact filename from the registry” and sets the registry path to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\123. Create this path in the registry and specify the filename. (Figure 1) In this case when the administrator prints, the generated filename will be

administrator.jpg. If a user sets the filename generation method to “Exact filename from the registry” and sets the registry path to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\123, another filename can be specified, for example user1.jpg.

· From an INI file. In this case the information of the filename generation is method stored in an INI file. The driver will search the INI file for a section with the printer’s name. For example: If you choose the “Exact filename from the INI file” option and you have Black Ice Color printer installed, the INI file can contain the following: 

[Black Ice Color]
File name=C:\output\image.jpg





(Thumbnail Continued from page 1)

sorting by file information. The Thumbnail control supports selection and multi selection modes of displayed images to be processed by an application, such as moving the images. The Thumbnail control can display 14 image formats that are supported by Black Ice.

The following screen shot (Figure 2) shows the appearance of The Thumbnail Control.

(Continued on page 3)

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