Index Information


IceViewer can have different document categories, to help users organize their documents more easily, and all document category can have a set of fields, storing text information, bounded to a specific document.


For example, IceViewer can have an HR document category, for Human Resources documents. This category can a set of index fields, for example, First Name, Last Name, Employee Number, Hire Date, and so on. When uploading a document, the user can select what category the document should be uploaded into.


To search in the index fields, please refer to the Search in Document Index Fieldssection.

In IceViewer, one can view the Index Fields by clicking on the blue trigger on the right side of the user interface.



This opens the Index Fields, and their actual content in the right-side of the document.




Once can edit, then save these fields by clicking on the Save Index Data button.


NOTE: Saving the Index Fields does not save the document itself.


NOTE: Document Indexing feature is disabled in the IceViewer by default. To enable Document Indexing, please see the User Interface Settings section.