The basic difference between “Multi-threaded parallel printing” and “multiple parallel printers” is that all the users on the system are seeing one printer for “Multi-threaded printing” as illustrated on Figure 1 below. For “Multiple parallel printers” the users on the system see every added printer as illustrated on Figure 2.
For practical limitation; Black Ice Software would not recommend more than 16 threads or printers per server even though there are no limitations to how many printers or threads one can add. Black Ice Software has tested up to 50 threads and 50 printers. The additional limitation that may apply is the number of cores on the system, since printing processor and memory intensive process, it is recommended once core per printer driver for full performance advantage.

(Figure 1)
The parallel printer’s technology is available for the Black Ice Software ColorPlus, PDF, and Tiff/Monochrome printer drivers.

(Figure 2)
Additional considerations; Agent (task) printers are not parallel printers, but Agent printers and shared printers can take advantage and use Multi-threaded printing.
Please note; that printing will fail with Microsoft Notepad if the printer driver has more than 16 threads/ports. This is a notepad limitation.