Font type is substituted on the output PDF document, even if Font Embedding is enabled

  Printer Drivers

Printing documents with specific fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, etc.) using the Black Ice Printer Drivers, but on the output PDF document the fonts displayed with a different font type, even if the Font Embedding and Force to embed options are checked in the Printer Driver PDF settings.

Cause of the problem:
This problem is mostly caused by the font substitution on the operating system.

Open Registry editor (regedit) and go to the following location;

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

You will see several font substitutions.
Review the entries, and see if there is any substitution which applies to you case. For example; if your issue is that the Courier New fonts are replaced with Arial on the documents, you must find an entry with Courier New at Name, and Arial at Data columns. If you did found it, delete the entry and the Windows stops replacing these specific fonts.