Below you can find the most frequently asked questions about Sales of Black Ice Software. Please click on the topic to expand the details.
How do I download the demo/evaluation versions of Black Ice products?
Every Black Ice product and associated links are listed on our Downloads webpage. When requesting a 15-day evaluation copy of our software, you will receive a download link via email.
The evaluation copy is fully functional for 15 days, but all outputs are watermarked. During or after the demo period you can purchase a serial number in the online store to activate the software.
How can I purchase Black Ice products?
All products can be purchased online through Black Ice online stores.
- Development tools, Virtual Printer Drivers, and BiLPDManager can be purchased through the Black Ice online store.
- Office products are available in the FaxProducts online store.
Orders must be placed with a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. To pay by Company Check or Bank Transfer, please contact our sales office by calling 603-882-7711.
You can safely enter your entire credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information.After purchase, you can always find your invoice if you log in with your account to the online store.
What license do I need?
Black Ice Software offers different licensing models for Corporate, Enterprise, End Users, Developers, and System Integrators.
For detailed information about these licenses please see the following comparison table.
If you do not find a licensing model that fits your business need, please contact sales at sales@blackice.com or impactsales@blackice.com or call +1 561-757-4107.
What is a subscription license?
A single subscription license is valid for a single Desktop or Server for one year. For multiple users on the same computer, no additional licenses are required. For installations on different PCs, you will need enough licenses to cover the total number of PCs.
Subscription-based licenses include:
- support subscription with priority technical support,
- access to all updates, and upgrades released free of additional charge,
- transfer licenses to another computer,
- access to all features of the software,
- automatic renewal each year until cancel.
What is the difference between transferable licenses and regular (static) licenses?
The regular (static) license is tied to a computer, therefore even if you bought a new computer you will not be able to reinstall and register the product on this new computer since your license is already used up.
On the other hand, the transferable license validates the license periodically, and it is not tied to a computer, therefore if you would like to move your already registered product to a new computer, you can do it very easily by following the steps described in the Moving transferable license to another computer section.
NOTE: Black Ice products try to validate the transferable license periodically over the internet, therefore you must have an active internet connection at least once a month!
What is a maintenance subscription?
The Subscription / Maintenance is a renewable (annual) subscription that entitles you to all upgrades FREE throughout the year, transferable licenses, as well as priority email technical support. At the end of the year, you only need to pay the maintenance price again to continue the subscription, and you will never need to pay for an upgrade!
The Subscription / Maintenance price is a mandatory subscription for the 1st year.
Where do I find my serial number?
After purchase, you can find your serial number(s) in your confirmation e-mail.
If you do not have your confirmation e-mail, you can sign in to the Black Ice Software Customer License Management webpage, where you can check your available licenses and which licenses are already in use.
To log in, please enter the email address used when purchasing your software license(s).
For Password: Please enter the password associated with your online store access. -
Where can I obtain a download link for the product I purchased?
Every Black Ice product and associated links are listed on our Downloads webpage.
You can also download the product from the online store for 10 days after purchase if you log in with your account and navigate to the Account > Orders page.
Please make sure that you remember the location where you saved the downloaded file and the name of it. If you choose Desktop this will be easier for you to install the product once you have completed the download.
After downloading and installing the product, please activate it with the provided serial number.
How do I activate my software if my computer is not connected to the Internet?
If your computer is not connected to the Internet, you will have to register your product manually.
Please refer to your product's online manual for instructions on how to activate manually.
- Printer Driver - User's Guide
- TIFF Viewer - User's Guide
- Print2RDP - User's Guide
- Print2Desktop - User's Guide
- Print2Email - User's Guide
- BiLPDManager - User's Guide
- BiBatchConverter - User's Guide
- Document Converter Server - User's Guide
What to do when licenses are exhausted?
A single license is valid for a single PC with unlimited users. Customers can visit the Black Ice Customer License Management webpage to check how many licenses are in use. If the licenses are exhausted, users can purchase additional licenses in the online store.
Alternatively, users can move an already registered license to another computer if the product is registered with a transferable license. To read more about how to move transferable licenses to another computer, please visit the Moving transferable license to another computer section.
Can I add more licenses to an existing serial number?
Yes, licenses can be added to an existing serial number.
Please log in to the Black Ice Customer License Management webpage, select a serial number and click on the Details button. Click the Buy more licenses button, which will redirect you to the online store, and follow the on-screen instructions.
How do I update/upgrade my software to the latest release?
To upgrade a Black Ice product to the latest release, please navigate to our Downloads webpage and download the installer of the latest version.
Start the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.To update/upgrade a product to the latest version, you will need an active Subscription license or an on-going Maintenance subscription which entitles you to all upgrades FREE throughout the year.
NOTE: The Subscription / Maintenance price is a mandatory subscription for the 1st year.
If you have let your on-going licensing and Maintenance Subscription expire, you will need to purchase a Version Upgrade in the online store.
Can I move my license from one computer to another?
Customers with Transferable or Subscription licenses can automatically transfer their license from one PC to another by uninstalling the software from the initial PC. Once the software is uninstalled the license is automatically released for use on a new PC.
Customers with Static licenses and an active Maintenance subscription need to request a license adjustment on the License Reset Request webpage. Manual license key transfers are limited to one time per year starting from the date of purchase. License moving requests must be submitted in order for your key to be restored. An explanation must be submitted with your request explaining the need for moving the license.
Note: Hard Drive failures will not require a license key reset since the licensing is not connected to the hard drive. The reinstallation of the product onto the same system is not limited.
If you do not have a valid support contract please contact sales@blackice.com to find out how you may add a support contract to your existing license key.
Do I have to renew my annual subscription?
Subscription licenses are automatically renewed each year but can be canceled at any time. When canceling a subscription, the license number will remain active for one year from the date of purchase.
Maintenance subscriptions expire each year and need to be renewed manually in the online store.
You will receive automated notification emails to the email address associated with the online account about the expiry date to remind you of the annual renewal. -
What is Black Ice Software's refund policy?
BlackIce.com and FaxProducts.com offer 15-day fully functioning evaluations of all their products (available here), which should be installed and used prior to purchasing in accordance with our End User License Agreement. All sales are final and all purchases are non-refundable in accordance with the End User License Agreement.