Black Ice printer drivers have many settings that affect the way documents are to be printed. These printer settings can be changed manually through the printer driver's user interface or programmatically from an application without any user interaction.
The Resource Toolkit includes a powerful API (a DLL for C/C++ and an ActiveX control for VB, Delphi, C#, etc) that contains over 300 easy to use functions to control printer driver settings.
Typically, VB environments do not provide any programming capability to change printer settings. However, the Resource Toolkit includes an ActiveX control which is unique in that it allows printer manipulation through VB and it is only available for Black Ice Printer Drivers.
There are several samples included with full source code written in C, C++, VB, VB .NET, C#, J# and Delphi that show how to change printer settings.
The samples were built with Visual C++ 2005, Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio .NET and Delphi 5.

Developers can also create a custom installation for the Black Ice printer driver to install the printer on the system with specific default settings, custom user interface and more.