Support Included in Image SDK/ActiveX, and Document Imaging SDK/ActiveX
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The TGA file formats supports to read and write of 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 bits per pixel
The TGA format is a format for defining raster or bitmap images. Targa supports color maps, alpha channel, gamma value, postage stamp image, textual information and developer-definable data. Unlike other image formats, there are relatively few variations.
Various compression models are supported. Targa images exist in both compressed and uncompressed formats.
The TGA format is probably the most universally supported 24-bit and 32-bit file format for PC applications. The 32-bit Targa format contains 24 bits of color data and 8 bits of transparency data. Color support ranges from black and white, indexed and RGB color. Since Windows does not recognize 16-bit and 32-bit depths, some applications may treat them as 24-bit images. A 16-bit image will be up-graded to a 24-bit image while a 32-bit image will be down-graded to a 24-bit image.